Have you ever thought about why some individuals are able to remember dates and simple details where as you forget them no matter how many times you memorize them?
The reason is simple; such people utilize their brains by keeping it busy while others just waste it away watching useless television shows which offer no help. Here is how you can increase your memory:
Get up and get going
While exercising is great for the body, it is also good to boost the memory. However, you should not limit yourself to exercising just the body but also include certain brain exercises.
Obesity not only causes certain diseases but it also harms the brain. Oxygen supply to the brain is restricted with the build up of plaque in the veins. With reduced nutrients reaching the brain, the capacity of the brain to perform is compromised.
Keep your brain active
You must exercise your brain by solving crossword puzzles, numerical calculations and other such activities. Keeping the brain active with such activities sharpens the memory.
Eliminate stress and depression
Depression is the worst enemy of the brain as it leads the brain to be dull and unresponsive. Therefore, try to eliminate stress and depression from your life.
Write it down
If you wish to remember something then you must write it down as this leads your brain to concentrate on remembering. Writing helps you to remember things.
Sleep well
A dull and sleepy brain would not be able to remember things. Therefore, it is essential to sleep for a good duration of 7 to 8 hours to enable the brain to function well when awake. The brain cells during the sleep help you through the nocturnal cycles that are essential to make the brain sharper.
Eat well
By eating foods that are good for the brain, you are enriching the brain to perform better. Fat is essential to insulate the brain cells so that they perform optimally. Hence, you should not diet but eat a balanced diet that contains a healthy mix of all nutrients. Listen to music
Music is not only a stress buster but it is also a great way to recall past memories. When you listen to a specific type of music, you can bring your brain to remember its lyrics and the way it has been sung. Therefore, listening to music helps in increasing the memory.
Teach others
You can improve your memory by reading out loud as this helps you to retain the things you read. Alternatively you can increase your memory by teaching others. Teaching others help you recall and remember the information better.
Visualize and remember
Visualizing the concepts can help you remember things well. You can remember things through pictures, photographs and creating mental images of the things that you wish to remember.
Repeat a lot!
Calling out the things that you wish to remember repeatedly helps you remember it well. Repetition is the key to remembering things; therefore try to repeat the things as many times as you can.
Can you suggest some other ways and tricks that might help you remember better?
About the Author: Edwin is an avid writer and marketer currently writing on behalf of onlinerobotics.com – A top robotics training distance learning course. Edwin has a passion for finding great life hacks to improve productivity.
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